PAL Tutor

Every semester, Industria Education and Industria Freshmen Operations organizes some PAL sessions. The concept of Peer-Assisted-Learning is that higher year students help the first years with challenging courses and guide them for exam preparations. They will meet up 3 times each semester to solve and discuss difficult excercises together.

The PAL sessions of the second semester will be focused on “Vibrations and Waves”, “Mathematical Modelling”, “Statics and Strength of Materials” and “Electricity”. We are still looking for some motivated senior students to become a tutor for one of these topics.

What’s in it for you? After attending one of these sessions as a tutor, you obtain an official KU Leuven certificate as PAL tutor for your I-Portfolio. Additionally you’ll be rewarded with movie tickets.

Students need to follow the official PAL tutor training session in collaboration with Group T before they can obtain the KU Leuven certificate.

So if you’re interested in becoming a PAL TUTOR in the upcoming academic year: Fill in the form and we’ll be in touch soon!

The Education team