Welcome to Industria
Welcome to the website of Industria, the student association of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering KU Leuven Campus Group T. On this site you will find, among other things, the Kursusdienst (course book service) platform and more information about our association.
About Industria
Industria is the student association of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering KU Leuven Campus Group T. We defend your interests as a student, support you in your studies and organise all kinds of fun, cultural and sporting activities. Follow the links below to find out more about our association.
More About IndustriaJobfair
Together with Group T, we organise a yearly Job Fair where 140 companies are ready to talk to you and to hire you! You can upload your CV to be easily contacted by them afterward and you also get the chance to win amazing prizes!
Information about he jobfairSkitrip
Industria went on a ski trip to Valmeinier from 31/01/2025 – 09/02/2025! A ski trip with Industria guarantees an unforgettable experience. Next year, we will definitely go on another ski trip, but where to? You'll find out soon!
Industria organises a large number of activities, and can thus use some help throughout the weeks. Interested in helping out and contributing your part? That's what the cooperation platform is for.
Cooperation PlatformStudent Feedback
Your feedback plays a crucial role to ensure that your educational experience at Group T meets your expectations. This feedback form is an opportunity for you to share your thoughts, insights, and suggestions about your experiences so far. Feedback can also be positive, so don’t hesitate to honor your favourite professors/TA’s in this form!
Meer InfoIndustria Kursusdienst
In our course book service you can find (almost) all your necessary course books and text books, but also other student items such as codices, T-shirts, etc.
Buy course booksAcivity Overview
We organise more than 100 activities during a typical academic year and on this page you can find all upcoming activities with their registration link.
Discover our activities here