BAC Infosession [ENG]
17 feb 2021
The first semester is over and the second has started. In the first semester you were able to enjoy a lot of activities industria has organised for you, even though some of them were online. Now you get the chance to organise some activities online for a week. The group of people that organises these activities is called the BAC-praesidium. This praesidium consists of motivated first year students that will organise activities the week before the easter break. During the preparation of these activities you get to know a lot of new people, you learn to work in a group and make memories for life. What more do you need?
Who can join the BAC-praesidium? Any first year student that feels motivated. There is no limit on the amount of people that join.
This description is a bit cryptic, therefore there are 2 infosessions. One in Dutch and one in English. The infosessions are not mandatory if you want to join and you are not obligated to go if you want to join. Don’t hesitate to contact me (Jonas Declercq) if you have any questions!
Zoom link will follow.
Hope to see you then!
Jonas out